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What can I expect when I visit the Sanctuary?Well, if you take that turn off the main road and travel all the way to the bottom of the mountain (four minutes drive, but feels like green fields and gumtrees forever), you will find a tiny, family-run animal sanctuary, and be welcomed onto our property to share the very special experience of making friends with deer. You will find friendly deer, cattle, goats, chickens and ducks wandering around. You will find dirt, dust, animal poo and children playing. You will find us working hard to provide love and comfort for our rescued animals, and to educate people about them. You will not find a 'zoo' or large-scale tourist operation, but you may well find something special that touches your heart, whether you pop in for a few minutes, or stay for hours. The money you pay for admission goes entirely to feed and care for the animals. We have been saving money for five years to be able to upgrade the paddocks, which is finally happening over the next few months! You will find peace, love and animal connection here. Visit us soon! Here is a review about us from Brisbane Kids that will also help guide you in what to expect:
Are you open today/tomorrow/school holidays?We are open every weekend, 10am-4pm. The only reasons we would not be open on a Saturday and Sunday are: the weather is too bad/unsafe; we are in COVID lockdown (we are in the Moreton Bay LGA, which usually locks down with Greater Brisbane); we have a private event on, such as a wedding or party; OR I am sick and unable to function to open to the public. I love sharing our space with people, but it is just me here and no one to take over if I am unwell. In all of these cases, I will have updates and announcements on social media, so if you follow us there, you will be on top of all our news! Facebook Instagram We are happy to open up on weekdays too, and usually open a few extra days over the school holidays, but I have four young kids of my own and am often running around with them. That is why weekday visits must be by appointment, and hopefully at least a day ahead. That way I can work around you and ensure that I am here to let you in when you arrive! School holiday opening days will be posted on our What's On page and announced on social media too.
How much does it cost to visit?As of November 2023, admission is $10 per adult and $5 per child (age 1-16 years). We have a family price for two adults and two kids at $25, and additional kids are $3 each. Carers accompanying senior or disabled visitors are free of charge. We are trying to offer affordable pricing for all visitors. I understand how expensive it can be to go out, particularly as a large family, and particularly in the current economic climate! I want to make the deer sanctuary accessible for everyone. So why have we raised our admission costs this year? Because we have to. It’s as simple as that. We want to keep providing the opportunity for people to come and enjoy the deer, but we actually couldn't continue to keep the gates open at this point so the sentiment is a bit self-defeating! The costs of opening to the public have risen hugely this year (just because that’s what seems to be happening with everything at the moment). Our public liability insurance, business licences and permits, water deliveries and treatment, electricity, website, Eftpos fees and charges, rates on the property as a ‘business’, visitor garbage removal, basic public-facing maintenance and cleaning, soap, paper towels, toilet paper… and suddenly there’s none left for the deer, and we are fixing gates with string! As a popular destination for tourists and locals alike, we also want to make sure that our space is welcoming, beautiful and comfortable for our visitors. Yes, we will always be rustic and relaxed, but we can’t be dilapidated and ugly! In addition, of course, animal feed, vet bills and maintenance expenses on the paddocks all continue to rise. We will always cover these costs with our own money (thank God my husband has a normal job!) but all profit we receive from ticket sales and donations goes directly to the animals. We receive no government support. Your admission fee is very gratefully received! However, I am passionate about all people having the opportunity to be in nature and around animals, so if you are experiencing financial hardship, come to the admission desk when you arrive and say 'I come here for sanctuary', and I will reduce the cost even further for you.
Do you sell the shed antlers?No, sorry, we don't sell the antlers. We just keep them to show visitors, as most people are not aware that deer shed their antlers every year, so it is wonderful to be able to explain the process and for them to see and touch. Plus, the antlers are so beautiful and I love them! They are all as different and special as the deer they come from, and I can't bear to part with them!
I'm planning my wedding; can we get married at the Deer Sanctuary?The answer is... Maybe. Check out our Weddings page for more info.
Can I bring my dog to visit the Sanctuary?Please don't. This is a safe space for the deer. We often have young deer roaming in the public area, as well as the chickens and other birds. Unfamiliar dogs can upset them. If you do bring your dog, you may be asked to leave.
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